Doctor Who Logo 'The Androids of Tara'
(4 Parts)
Story Code '5D'

by David Fisher
The Doctor

The search for the fourth segment of the Key to Time takes the Doctor, Romana and K-9 to the planet Tara, a world where the commoners practice science, and the nobility live a life of chivalry. Romana finds the segment disguised as part of a statue, but is then captured by Count Grendel of Gracht, who is plotting to seize the Taran throne from its rightful heir, Prince Reynart. Grendel has mistaken Romana for an android of her exact double, Princess Strella, Reynard's betrothed, who is a prisoner of the Count, whom he plans to one day marry, and so become King of Tara. The Doctor meets the Princes' men, Farrah and Zadek, and taken to a hunting lodge, where he is asked by the Prince to repair his android double, which is to be used as a decoy against any potential assassins in the lead up to Reynard's coronation. When Grendel kidnaps the Prince, the Doctor reprogrammes the android to take his place at the coming coronation. Grendel creates an android double of Romana, and allows the Doctor to 'rescue' her, but K-9 is able to expose the deception. Romana then escapes, and rescues the Doctor from the Count's men, but she is recaptured when the Count destroys the android of the Prince. Grendel now plans to marry Romana, posing as Strella. Under cover of darkness, the Doctor and K-9 cross the Castel Gracht moat in a rowboat; the Doctor locates the fourth segment, and frees the Prince. As the Prince's men storm the castle, the Doctor and Grendel fight with swords; at the last moment, a defeated Grendel dives into the moat and escapes.

Tom Baker (Doctor Who), Mary Tamm (Romana), John Leeson (Voice of K9), Peter Jeffrey (Count Grendel), Simon Lack (Zadek), Neville Jason (Prince Reynart), Paul Lavers (Farrah), Lois Baxter (Lamia), Declan Mulholland (Till), Cyril Shaps (Archimantrite), Martin Matthews (Kurster)

Produced by Graham Williams
Directed by Michael Hayes

Part 1 - 25th November, 1978 @ 6.20pm - 6.45pm
Part 2 -2nd December, 1978 @ 6.20pm - 6.45pm
Part 3 -9th December, 1978 @ 6.20pm - 6.45pm
Part 4 -16th December, 1978 @ 6.20pm - 6.45pm

*Featuring the Fourth Doctor, the First Romana, and K-9 MKII

*Part 4 of the 'Key to Time' story arc

*Working titles: 'The Seeds of Time' and 'The Prisoner of Zend'