Angel Logo 'Impressions'

by Doranna Durgin
Jacket Illustration

Even if it takes an eternity, he will make amends....


An otherwise peaceful day at Angel Investigations is disturbed by the arrival of a desperate man -- and the demon at his heels. The gang quickly disposes of the monster, only to find that it decomposes the instant it dies, leaving them with little by way of identifying characteristics. The man is of no help, as he's fallen victim to a stolen identity scam; he's been wooed by a false Angel and is consequently distrustful of the real deal. And he's certainly not going to give up the ancient stone he's pocketed.

Angel's freaked by the thought of his very own impersonator -- and Cordy's quick to point out all the more worthy celebrities residing in the greater L.A. vicinity -- but he doesn't have time to reflect on the weirdness of the situation. Lorne's reporting some majorly bad mojo over at Caritas that needs handling. But what-ever's getting under all the local demons' skin seems to be affecting Angel as well. Will the real Dark Avenger please stand up?

*Featuring Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Fred, Lorne, and Gunn

*Published by Pocket Books