Clangers Logo 'Tiny’s Good Idea'
by Dave Ingham
The Clangers

Tiny uses copper tree pipes to make a long tube, so that Small can roll a pebble into the Froglets’ portal. Meanwhile, Mother’s garden is wilting under the heat, and Major’s new auto-water machine keeps going wrong. Small and Tiny take watering cans outside so that the cloud can fill them up, but this takes ages, and is not enough to stop the flowers from wilting. Wondering how to water the garden without the watering cans, Tiny suddenly has a brilliant idea…

Narrated by Michael Palin
Music composed by John Du Prez
Directed by Chris Tichborne and Mole Hill
Produced by Dan Maddicott

TX (CBeebies):
29th May 2016 @ 5.30 pm

*Featuring Major Clanger, Mother Clanger, Small Clanger, Tiny Clanger and Granny Clanger