Jacket Illustration 'Dark Eyes'
Part 4: 'X and the Daleks'

(1 Part)

by Nicholas Briggs
Jacket Illustration

‘Subject is called Molly O’Sullivan. An inhabitant of Earth. Born Earth year 1891. Has travelled in space and time with Time Lord known as the Doctor.’

With Straxus and his TARDIS destroyed, the Doctor and Molly have tracked the mysterious ‘X’ to the planet Srangor. It is here that the truth of the threat to the universe will finally be revealed.

What is the Dalek Time Controller’s ultimate plan? What exactly is the space-time projector? Who will survive this epic battle for survival?

Paul McGann (The Doctor), Ruth Bradley (Molly O'Sullivan), Peter Egan (Straxus), Toby Jones (Kotris), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Tim Treloar (Lord President), John Banks (Strangor Herder), Ian Cullen (Nadeyan)

Directed by Nicholas Briggs

Release Date:
November 2012

*Featuring the Eighth Doctor and Molly

*A Big Finish Audio Production