Doctor Who Logo 'Domain of the Voord'
(4 Parts)

by Andrew Smith
Jacket Illustration

The port of Alexandria, 5th Century AD.

The Doctor, Ian, Susan and Barbara have taken a break from their travels, and are enjoying a few weeks in the sunshine – and the chance to appreciate the magnificent Library of Alexandria.

Ian also takes the chance to enjoy friendship with the philosopher Hypatia - but things here will not last forever.

The time travellers know that the library will soon be lost to history.

What they are about to discover is the terrifying reason why…

William Russell (Ian Chesterton), Carole Ann Ford (Susan), Daisy Ashford, Andrew Dickens, Andrew Bone

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
September 2014


*Featuring the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan

*A Big Finish Audio Production