Torchwood Logo 'Aliens Among Us'
Part 11:
'Escape Room'

by Helen Goldwyn
Jacket Illustration

Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, and the Colchester-Prices go to try out an escape room. They've heard a lot about them. Especially this one. People keep going into the game and not coming out. But Torchwood will be fine. After all - partners can trust each other. Can't they?

Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper), Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Paul Clayton (St John Colchester), Ramon Tikaram (Colin Colchester-Price), Terence Hardiman (Escape)

Directed by Scott Handcock

Release Date: February 2018

*Featuring Gwen Cooper, St John Colchester and Rhys Williams

*A Big Finish 'Torchwood' audio production