Invaders Logo 'Summit Meeting'
(Part 1)

by George Eckstein
David Vincent

David Vincent teams up with Michael Tressider, and together they learn that Scandinavian Premier Thor Halvorsen is hosting an important world summit meeting to address the problem of a marked increase in the Earth’s radioactivity. Vincent and Tressider suspect that Halvorsen’s chief aide, Per Alquist is in fact an alien, and that the conference is part of a scheme to assassinate the world’s leaders…

Roy Thinnes (David Vincent), Diana Hyland (Ellie Markham), William Windom (Mike Tressider), Michael Rennie (Per Alquist), Eduard Franz (Thor Halvorson), Ford Rainey (Jonathon Blaine), Ian Wolfe (Rosmundson), Vic Perrin (Hypnotist), Victoria Hale (Hippie), William Boyett (Man #1), Ross Elliott (Detective), Martin West (Lieutenant), Peter Hobbs (Colonel), Ben Wright (Emissary), Don Lamond (Newsman), Dave Armstrong (Man #2)
Directed by Don Medford

A Quinn Martin Production

TX (US): 31st October 1967

*Featuring David Vincent