Doctor Who Logo 'The Sound of Fear'
by Mark Michalowski
Jacket Illustration

With her red London bus on course for the future, Iris runs slap-bang into the past!

Materialising aboard Radio Yesterday, a space station broadcasting golden oldies to Earth's colonies, Panda finds something sinister in the air-conditioning and Iris comes face to face with her long-lost husband… (no, really!)

As Iris, Panda and the crew of Radio Yesterday experience the true power of music, the evil Naxian hoardes are poised to transmit a groovy message of death… to the entire galaxy!

Katy Manning (Iris Wildthyme), David Benson (Panda), Miles Richardson (Sam Gold), Helen Goldwyn (Leeza Lewis), Jane Goddard (Janice), Scott Handcock (Mohanalee)

Directed by Gary Russell

Release Date:
February 2009

*Featuring Iris Wildthyme

*A Big Finish Iris Wildthyme Audio Adventure

*Working title: 'The Sound of Music... of Death'